Love Life
Dear Love Life,
Hi, my name is Anonymous I just recently moved to a new home outside of LA. Things are different here I miss my friends and school is almost out and I never got a chance really get to know someone! There is a guy that just lives right next door to me. Sometimes we talk just in passing. He always smiles and waves and seems like a really nice guy. We our both about to graduate and I would really like to get to know him! I believe we booth maybe attending the same Collage in the fall! Love Life, what do I ever do?
Dear Anonymous,
As you look toward the future and a new chapter in life begins. Taking love and friendship with you sounds like a great idea. As most who attend Collage always finding love sometimes marriage and a future together. For years to come with new memories of love, life, and friendships! So make a move, the boy next door!